Friday, February 10, 2017

My Education

I moved to Easton, PA at a very early age of two, from the time I started school at Palmer Elementary, they were teaching us the basics of reading and writing. But it wasn't until I was in high school, which I attended Easton Area High School, that we really started getting into writing papers. My freshman year we mostly read and discussed Shakespeare, due to the nature of his writing, we mostly spent the time annotating and deciphering his text. I had not started writing papers until my sophomore year and throughout my senior year. Mostly writing research papers, while we did quite a lot of them, the teachers would
just let you go and do your own thing. Rarely offering much guidance and ways to help you. Though they would make you submit a rough draft, they still did not critique and show me much to improve on, it was mostly just corrections on spelling and grammar. Rarely would we receive much help on what a good paper actually is. I often found myself having to figure things out on my own. I noticed myself struggling to understand much of the concepts of these papers and to this day I still have a hard time. Writing for the most part has been difficult for me due to the lack of guidance throughout high school. I hope to improve on this during the semester and hope that I can change my perception on the difficulty that I have during the writing process.


  1. I agree with you when you state you didn't really start writing papers until sophomore year. Thats how my high school was as well. You never had much guidance and I mostly did my papers at home on my own time. I have always struggled with writing but have always tried my best. I have a few friends that went to Easton High School.

  2. I understand how hard it is to work when you don't have any guidance. One of my biggest issues in high school was when the teacher would give us an assignment and tell us write whatever you want. Those were always the assignments I struggled with. I need some sort of guidance.

  3. I have to agree. I don't remember getting guidance on how to check for spelling errors and things. Things are so much simpler now. Technology really changed the way we do things.
